Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Winter Blues

I am beginning to feel that numb sadness of the dark cold short days we call winter. I didn't think that upbeat joyous feeling that has stuck with me for the last 6 months was impenetrable. I was wrong. Its that feeling of never wanting to get out of bed, not wanting to leave your house, not wanting to talk to anyone. To sit in the hole that is comforting and not leave it. Time doesn't matter anymore because nothing is going to happen. Things that were occupying no longer seem to have that appeal anymore and the only thing that you can think of doing is the one thing that you fought so hard to quit. The one friend who is always there and never say no, always has time for you and makes you forget about all the things that make you hurt. So what do I do?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My assistant on the homestead

I have been at home a lot. I have been working on my business and doing way to much research. I don't have time or money to go out and shoot. I decided to take a mini break today and take a few shoot of my assistant at home. Grande you make my day less lonely!
I have been wanting to post a comparison of grande and his mama kid-dey. Here it is.


Friday, November 6, 2009


I want to use my lights so bad. I really need to invest in some other photo supplies so that I can make some amazing images. I have been looking at my bookmarked photographers lately and this man Norimichi Inoguchi is a genius as far as I'm concerned.
This is a sample of his genius.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I have found so many helpful templates at etsy to start promoting myself for my portrait business.

So with some outside thoughts I have decided to open an E-shop on Etsy. I don't know how people will feel about my work but i want my stuff to be seen on a higher level on the internet and I don't want to vomit my web page on facebook, twitter, myspace and here every 30 mins. of the day.

Here is the first promo I made. Criticism would be welcome. Would you take this and consider it if you came across it?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sneaky Peak

I updated my website and thought that i would share a few images.
check it out!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

oh boy

The only thing that i have to update.

Portrait businesses are hard to start.
there is something incredibly wrong with my lightroom web gallery.
I am mentally exhaused.
I have been summoned for Jury Duty
And I want chinese food badly.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

wedding photos

here are a few of my favorites from Adam & Heather Stolz Dam Wedding

Monday, September 28, 2009

everything is FALLing

now that fall is officially here so is my worst enemy. the cold. mostly i have a cough/ soar throat.

there go all my plans of fun exciting photo shoots and endless hours at the gym.

but thats the way my body works once i achieve relief from one ailment theres the next one in line waiting to step up.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fresh start

things come and they go.

i have finally had some relief from my rib injury. icing rally works. i should have done it sooner. i believe that i will be back in the gym and ready to lose the 10 pounds that i NEED to and then maybe a few more after that to stay happy.

i rearranged my room and i feel great about it. i think that it looks better and it feels nice to face a window. i have some of my necklaces on display, some pictures and art hanging from the walls and all the clutter is gone!

on top of all that a new hair cut and the seasons changing... everything feels like its going to be good.

i've actually missed fall, except for the rain i could live without the rain. i need to move to a city that has fall without rain falling almost every day.

my hair cut is officially on the net.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

pain pain go away

my ribs are still not getting better.

circa 3 - 4 weeks ago while in a coughing fit i heard and felt a pop in the damaged area of my ribs.

today, this morning, while in bed asleep i awoke to a pop noise. fallowing was an intense pain.

F the doctor for not giving me any drugs.

I am starting a new series.

sunsets and sunrises.
i became fascinated with sunrises when i had to drive to stevens pass for work last week. there was a light fog and the sunrise with the greens and yellows and reds, blues. anyways it was breath taking. I was sad that the only camera i had was the work camera and trust me its not a hand held. so i am going to take this idea to new places that i have never been (ie stevens pass, etc).

Monday, September 14, 2009

summers end

from the last couple of weeks

Saturday, September 12, 2009

medicated coma

today has been the most uneventful day.
i slept for 15 hours.
not going to recommend staying up for 24 hours and taking pain meds.

shooting a wedding next sunday the 20th.
meeting with the bride tomorrow.

will post some of the photos then.

Monday, September 7, 2009

i will miss these skies. the rain makes me feel very reclusive and i don't like that very much.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jesus Dog

stole this idea from a friend. i had tried to do a count down that was featured on this site but for some reason it never saved. couldn't figure it out.

an oldie but a goodie.
Jesus Dog

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

dear grande,

i hope you are feeling ok. i just cleaned up your puke. i think you ate too much fancy feast. either that or you can't eat anything with gravy. gravy may be bad. oh well there goes 69 cents.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

haircut and a tatoo??

so i have had long hair for about 7 to 8 years of my life that is almost a whole decade. i have been feeling, lately especially, that i need to cut it. a change needs to come into my life. while i first wanted an inverted bob, i couldn't find a very good example. plus i am not one to explain things very well. so on a chance i googled haircut and this is what i found almost instantly. i am in love. what do you think?


here are a series of photos that i am interested in using to design a tattoo. dia de los muertos style

Monday, August 31, 2009

back at home

after a very rollercoaster kind of weekend i am back home. i can honestly say that when i was driving on north i-5 the cityscape reminded me how much i missed being in the city. good old seattle.

grande is of course being a complete attention hog as usual as well as being my shadow.

today i brought out my studio lights and figured out how they worked and i plan on shooting this weekend. i'm pretty excited about that and will have new images on my website soon.

this weeks to-do list: vacuum,
clean kitchen,
fold laundry,
make bed,
pay bills,
get an oil change,
go grocery shopping

Sunday, August 30, 2009

cops and captivity

i can't remember where i found this photo.

this photo inspires me to create something similar.

last night was a crazy night. tim and the guys had a house party. i'm not sure what was so special about last night but everyone in the city was there. when i arrived there was a decent amount of people and i knew about 75% of the attendees. while getting settled with my drink and mingling with some of my familiar friends, people started rolling in. the street that the guys live on was packed with cars, as was the back porch with people. when you stopped for a second and took a look around there were nothing but dudes outside all huddled in groups. at this point it is 11pm and i have been at the party for a half hour and on my second drink. jeremy showed up and by that time the house is so full and the ratio is more balanced between guys and gals. at ll:30 i know about 5% of the attendees. the keg is about half full and people are just lining up for beer. i felt bad because keggers are just a way for people to come mooch. by the way things were accelerating it looked like 3 kegs would have been a better idea. things were going great i'm on my 3rd drink and someone comes out on the porch and says hey the cops are here. no one was trippin' yet but all the minors were making sure to get back. the cops leave and say that everyone illegally park will get tickets and need to move. i start freaking out like of crap i parked the wrong way on the opposite side of the street. i start asking everyone if they think my car is going to get towed. holly was at the party by then and she doesn't make me feel any better by telling me she has seen a tow truck pull a car sideways out of a spot. to coupe i make myself my 4th drink. by this time some people have left to move there cars and some people went to the bar cause they are lame. things are getting fun and i have forgotten about my car troubles. people are playing beer pong laughing and i'm dancing. before anyone can have a perfect night the cops come again. this time people have to get the F out of the house. the cops have put up a road block on this tiny street and the party is cut down to a 1/8 that if originally was. i decided that i should have a 5th drink and then cut it for the night so that i can actually go home. i am pretty much tipsy at this point and asking people all kinds of questions talking to crazy people in pleather and zebra pants with dreadlocks who are lying about their age, talking to wiggers, people that i recognize from high school but never talked to and even guys that are hitting on me but really failing at spiting game. the party is now basically 15 people down a whole lot from over 100. its about 3am and i decided that i wasn't to leave because the cops have been gone for a long time. i wait for a little bit and when i say good bye and walking for he door i find out that the mother f-ing cops are outside again telling tim and steve that they are going to arrest people for disturbing the peace that they are going to get evicted. the scene got completely awkward by then because all the men in the house that i didn't know were acting really weird, some guy is faded trying to sit next to every girl and touch her. i'm pissed that i can't leave. after sitting around for about 30 minutes i decided screw this i'm ot sleeping here i'm leaving. me and holly walked out together and there were no cops the coast was clear and i got home around 4:30am. thats not how i planned th night to turn out but i managed to have some fun.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

snuggle time

once i am back at home and have he ability to upload my camera there will probably be less camera phone pictures.

this is my baby. my love. her name is diega.

she is a 5 year old pit bull/boxer mix.

i just had to share snuggle time because it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Oh the weekend and adventures at momma's house

first of all, is this just a regular pile of sheets or could there be something else here???

day 3 at my mom's house has proved to feel a little confining. i feel like i have nowhere to go and nothing to do but watch tv and my dog. she is just like a baby. i have been out of my parents house for so long that i forgot how much work goes into taking care of her. but i love her still and want her at my house so bad.....

so what is this picture all about? well this is what my dog does to sleep. she burrows under a blanket and the curls up inside. she is still asleep so i think that she didn't get much sleep last night. when i woke up she wasn't under her blanket as usual. i wish you all could experience it.

Friday, August 28, 2009


this picture along with my profile picture were taken by my friend and fellow photographer keith cottrill. this is one of my favorite photos that anyone has taken. i was on an assignment with 3 class mates and we were in the capitol hill area of seattle and this little guy was hanging out on a wall we were shooting near. i don't remember if i discovered it first but the moment i saw it i wanted to photograph it. i did not have a camera on me so keith took it and then sent it me later. it has been the background on my laptop ever since. that would be about two years ago. thanks keith!

this weekend i am staying at my parents house in covington, house sitting. my dog diega stays here for the time being and it is always nice to see her. there will be plenty of pictures of her on here soon enough.