Wednesday, September 16, 2009

pain pain go away

my ribs are still not getting better.

circa 3 - 4 weeks ago while in a coughing fit i heard and felt a pop in the damaged area of my ribs.

today, this morning, while in bed asleep i awoke to a pop noise. fallowing was an intense pain.

F the doctor for not giving me any drugs.

I am starting a new series.

sunsets and sunrises.
i became fascinated with sunrises when i had to drive to stevens pass for work last week. there was a light fog and the sunrise with the greens and yellows and reds, blues. anyways it was breath taking. I was sad that the only camera i had was the work camera and trust me its not a hand held. so i am going to take this idea to new places that i have never been (ie stevens pass, etc).

1 comment:

  1. i did the same to my tail bone except i fell off a rock. mine still hurts sometimes. i have actually been icing my ribs and they feel better.
